The time has come! ECOC 2030 Belgium has started

Welcome to the website of ECOC2030BE! After Mons (2015), Bruges (2002), Brussels (2000) and Antwerp (1993), it will be Belgium's turn again in 2030 to nominate a European Capital of Culture. Belgium will do this together with Cyprus and an EFTA/EEA country, candidate country or potential candidate country of the European Union. In 2030, three cities will hold the title European Capital of Culture. With the launch of the website and the publication of the call for caniddate cities, the competition for the next Belgian European Capital of Culture has officially begun. 

Until September 2024, cities can apply to become the European Capital of Culture in 2030. An international panel will assess the applications and will make a first selection. The finalists may advance to the final selection and by the end of 2025 it will be known who will be the title holder in 2030.

The Ministers of Culture of the Flemish, French and German-speaking Communities are organizing the competition in close cooperation with the European Commission. The website is the central place where candidate cities can find all information and documents for the competition.

On December 1, 2023, the first Information Meeting will take place at the Royal Library in Brussels. Is your city a candidate? Be sure to register before 20 November. In the morning, the European Commission will explain the objectives, criteria and procedures of ECOC. In the afternoon you will have the opportunity to meet two previous European Capitals of Culture and learn more about European funding with VLEVA.  

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Are you a candidate city? Go to the 'Candidacy' page to discover everything you need to know.